ECS 915P-A (PCB:3.0) BIOS 3.2b download

Supported OS:
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3.2b April 29, 2021
ECS 915P-A (PCB:3.0) BIOS 3.2b.Fix M0 stepping P4EE CPU cannot boot.Fine tune CPU temperature.Add TM2 Control item.Fix Win98 bootable CD issue.Delay few time to fix TV card issue.(The system cannot detect it.)Set winbond I/O LDN:A reg:E0 bit7=0 at bootblock to fix some mainboard cannot power-on issue.Support Smart Fan.
ECS 915P-A (PCB:3.0) BIOS 3.2b drivers were collected from official websites of manufacturers and other trusted sources. Original software will help you to fix device errors.